Basic information about the provider

Since 1987

60permanent employees 

Additionally cooperation contracts with:

  • 6 law firms (2 in Germany, 1 in Austria, Italy, France and Luxembourg)
  • 1112 psychologists and psychotherapists
    • Germany: 569
    • Switzerland: 162
    • France: 266
    • Luxembourg: 17
    • Italy: 60
    • Austria: 38

Approx. 950 companies with more than 800,000 employees (October 2024)


  • Psychologists at support center in Zurich/Wallisellen
  • Lawyers in North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Psychotherapists all over Germany


  • Psychologists and lawyers at support center in Zurich/Wallisellen
  • Psychotherapists all over Switzerland


  • Psychologists at support center in Zurich/Wallisellen
  • Lawyers all over France
  • Psychotherapists and psychologists all over France


  • Psychologists at support center in Zurich/Wallisellen
  • Lawyers in Luxembourg
  • Psychotherapists all over Luxembourg


  • Psychologists at support center in Zurich/Wallisellen
  • Lawyers in Milan
  • Psychotherapists all over Italy


  • Psychologists at support center in Zurich/Wallisellen
  • Lawyers in Dornbirn
  • Psychotherapists all over Austria


Our IT infrastructure has alsobeen certified according to:

  • ISO9001 Quality Management System2
  • ISO27001 IT/Information Security
  • GDPR Conformity Certificate

Yes. We are happy to provide you with contact information for our references after meeting with you in person.

From the counseling practice

The most common occupational topics are:

  • Employees complaining about work overload while often already exhibiting symptoms such as demotivation, insomnia, irritation, physical ailments, etc.
  • Workplace conflicts with colleagues and superiors are frequent and also very burdensome for employees.
  • Superiors and human resource managers contact us with increasing frequency because they are worried about certain employees, for example on account of:
    • conspicuous behavior/Behavioral changes
    • severe weight gain or loss
    • suspected drinking problem
  • We advise callers in these cases on how to talk with these employees in a personal meeting and discuss what assistance can be provided and which requirements imposed.

The most frequent private problems include:

  • relationship problems, conflicts and separations

Yes. We and/or our psychotherapists provide  continuous support for our clients.

Yes, as an ISO9001-certified provider, a respective process is in place for each work process.

Our counseling services continue as long as clients require support.

We have a work plan in place and practice calculated overstaffing. Stand-ins are also available on-call.

Two redundant separate telephone systems additionally secure technical availability.

Counseling can be difficult if clients do not contact us of their own volition or if clients do not realize their problem.

Although we are fully capable of dealing with suicidal cases due to our many years of experience, tested processes and close cooperation, cases such as these are very challenging for our counselors.

Durations can vary. A consultation can take 30 minutes, but we may also accompany clients who are in difficult living situations over several months.

Yes. Our data privacy officer and quality manager as well as management are informed about every complaint and then manage the
respective process. A share of less than 0.1% of complaints per case is the target agreement for employees.

Our support center is staffed with experienced psychologists 24/7 on 365 days a year. Proven life-saving processes are in place in case of endangerment.

Upon request, we will send psychologists and/or psychotherapists to your location. Our specialists have many years of experience
and further training in emergency psychology, trauma intervention, violence prevention, etc.

Data protection envisages the following exceptions to the professional secrecy:

  • danger to life and limb (threat of murder and bodily injury, self-endangerment, terrorism)

By law, we are not allowed to inform our customer companies in case of theft, fraud, embezzlement, etc. However, our counselors will discuss such matters with our clients and emphasize the importance of reporting this information to the company as we support our clients in taking the next steps.

Every customer receives an anonymous half-year and/or annual report. The number of cases, utilized services and reported topics (divided into work-related and private) are listed. The report contains in-depth analyses, benchmark comparisons and suggestions for measures if necessary.

The reports are anonymized so that callers cannot be identified. Reports are only created for companies with more than 100 employees in order to protect the caller’s identity.

Counselor qualification


  • Psychology degree
  • Multiple years of professional experience
  • Further training in psychotherapy or psychological counseling

Lawyers Germany:

  • Admission to the bar at the local bar association
  • Specialized lawyer title in labor law, tenancy law, matrimonial and family law, etc. according to the German Legal Services Act from 07/01/2008

Lawyers Switzerland:

  • Law degree
  • Completed further training in various legal fields

Yes, we work with psychotherapists in our nationwide networks.

Psychological psychotherapists (Germany) and psychotherapists (Switzerland) have to meet the following criteria:

  • Mandatory membership in professional association
  • Practice license
  • Obligatory supervision
  • Compliance with our quality standards
  • Quality control through anonymous client evaluation

We are certified in quality management according to ISO9001 and are under continuous internal and external audit.

Our quality manager ensures strict compliance with our high quality standards.

Our further training concept includes 6-8 internal further training sessions per year. Additionally, each employee has access to an annual budget for external further training.

Our employees in the support center are also obligated to participate in internal and external supervision.

Data protection compliance

We use a customized database solution that fulfills all safety-relevant specifications. Cases are recorded anonymously; i.e. we do not save any personal data.

Any telephone numbers or e-mail addresses that may be required for scheduling personal counseling sessions with a psychotherapist are deleted upon conclusion of the case.

We are continually under internal and external audit due to our worldwide recognized data protection certification GoodPriv@cy according to GDPR standard. Legal compliance is ensured on account of this certification.

Our data protection manager ensures strict compliance with applicable laws, consistently stays up to date with respect to legislative
changes and performs adjustments if necessary.

Cooperation outlook

Yes. Our key account managers are experienced business economists. Your personal account manager will be available to you for all administrative matters.

Yes, of course. We would be happy to meet with you in person.

However, we want to point out that access to the support center is prohibited due to data protection stipulations.

Yes. We will include the cases in the contract upon contract conclusion or invoice them according to expenditure if a contract is not concluded.