Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for the Swiss healthcare system

Support the psychological health of your caregivers

Nearly 400,000 people work in the healthcare sector across Switzerland, representing about 8% of the working population. Healthcare workers are the main pillars of the Swiss healthcare system, which is one of the best in the world in terms of access and quality.

Working in the healthcare sector is physically and mentally demanding. The heavy workload of shift work and overtime, the great responsibility, the increasing bureaucracy, and the constant pressure to be efficient and competitive mean that less and less time is left for the actual care of patients. As a result, almost half of the workforce in the healthcare sector is leaving the profession.

Healthcare workers are particularly susceptible to psychological stress. This can lead to symptoms such as sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, anxiety and burnout. These professionals also have higher rates of substance misuse.

With this in mind, it is hardly surprising that the healthcare professions are said to have above-average rates of staff turnover and sickness absence. The Lyra SANACTIVE employee assistance program is the most effective and comprehensive solution for reducing stress-related health risks and loss of performance, or for quickly restoring performance and health.

It offers immediate, free, anonymous and easily accessible professional support that enables employees to reduce stress independently and at an early stage and to strengthen their own resilience.

ICAS Sanactive für das Schweizer Gesundheitswesen

Lyra SANACTIVE – Your added value at a glance

  • Protecting care professions

    The Swiss healthcare system is increasingly reliant on healthcare workers staying in their traditional care professions, while remaining healthy and efficient. We support your team in this endeavour.

  • Stopping performance losses early on

    As mental health professionals, we focus on early prevention and encourage everyone to take personal responsibility. Early support reduces absenteeism and the likelihood of errors at the workplace as well as the associated additional workload for colleagues.

  • Anonymous and low-threshold, 24/7

    Easy and anonymous access to the SANACTIVE support program around the clock by phone, live chat and app enables your employees to get help early and independently, as they are usually the first to notice stress in themselves.

  • Quality first

    Our consultants are all qualified psychologists and psychotherapists. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for your employees and anyone in the same household.

  • Personal account manager

    An experienced account manager is at your disposal for all administrative matters and questions. They will work with you to plan and organize the implementation of SANACTIVE in your company. They will provide you with a detailed and informative report on a regular basis. They will also assist you in planning workshops and presentations.

  • Data protection guaranteed

    We meet all requirements of the EU GDPR, and our consultants are all subject to professional secrecy. We have quality management system certifications according to ISO 9001 and the internationally recognized data protection label Good Priv@cy® according to GDPR. This allows us to guarantee the legal compliance of SANACTIVE.

  • HR support

    SANACTIVE relieves and supports superiors and HR managers.

  • Proven effectiveness

    Our before/after surveys show that the performance of the employees sustainably improved with the SANACTIVE support program.

Performance evaluation BEFORE personal counseling sessions

Performance evaluation AFTER completion of personal counseling sessions

able to work

slightly impaired

moderately impaired

severely impaired

on sick leave

Lyra SANACTIVE services

ICAS Sanactive | Telefonische Beratung in Krisensituationen

Telephone counseling

Counseling and support by phone for emotional or psychological issues. You can reach us via our toll-free number 24/7, 365 days a year.

ICAS Sanactive | Beratung via Live-Chat für Mitarbeiter

Counseling via live chat

Through our protected chat rooms, access to the consultation is made easy via live chat and can also be done anonymously.

ICAS Sanactive | Persönliche Beratung für Mitarbeiter

Personal counseling sessions

If useful and desired, we will organize a personal interview with a psychotherapist near home or near the workplace within 2 – 3 working days (short-term therapy/ clarification up to max. 8 sessions).

ICAS Sanactive | Management Beratung & EAP

Management and HR consultancy

Consultancy and support in leadership, management and personnel issues, e.g. team development, employee retention, motivation and conflict resolution.

ICAS Sanactive | Notfälle & Kriseneinsätze in der Schweiz

Emergency and crisis response

We accompany and support your organization in difficult times ( work accident, sudden death of an employee, serious illness, sexual harassment, job loss, etc.) by taking firm, quick and appropriate measures.

ICAS Sanactive | Coaching und Seminare in der Schweiz

Coaching sessions and seminars

Strengthen the personal responsibility and mental health of your employees with our courses on selected topics.

Lyra SANACTIVE services

ICAS Sanactive | Telefonische Beratung in Krisensituationen

Telephone counseling

Counseling and support by phone for emotional or psychological issues. You can reach us via our toll-free number 24/7, 365 days a year.

ICAS Sanactive | Beratung via Live-Chat für Mitarbeiter

Counseling via live chat

Through our protected chat rooms, access to the consultation is made easy via live chat and can also be done anonymously.

ICAS Sanactive | Persönliche Beratung für Mitarbeiter

Personal counseling sessions

If useful and desired, we will organize a personal interview with a psychotherapist near home or near the workplace within 2 – 3 working days (short-term therapy/ clarification up to max. 8 sessions).

ICAS Sanactive | Management Beratung & EAP

Management and HR consultancy

Consultancy and support in leadership, management and personnel issues, e.g. team development, employee retention, motivation and conflict resolution.

ICAS Sanactive | Notfälle & Kriseneinsätze in der Schweiz

Emergency and crisis response

We accompany and support your organization in difficult times ( work accident, sudden death of an employee, serious illness, sexual harassment, job loss, etc.) by taking concrete, quick and appropriate measures.

ICAS Sanactive | Coaching und Seminare in der Schweiz

Coaching sessions and seminars

Strengthen the personal responsibility and mental health of your employees with our courses on selected topics.

Advice in all life situations

  • Stress and burnout

  • Relationship problems, separation/divorce

  • Addiction problems (medication, alcohol, drugs, etc.)

  • Bereavement

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Conflicts, bullying, sexual harassment

  • Family issues, education, care of relatives